A downloadable game

Food Fight! is a card game wherein players draw and swap ingredient cards to build an exquisite dish in the hopes of creating a dish that is better than all other players’ dishes.

Every round has one critic who will play a challenge card and a chaos card. At the start of a round, all chefs (non-critics) will draw 10 ingredient cards - from decks of their choice. Each player will discard some cards, and trade cards to help build their respective hands. The chefs will select 5 out of their 10 cards to show as their meal and debate over which hand could create a more appetizing dish, in hopes that they can persuade the critic to prefer their ingredients and hand them the challenge card. After debate, the critic will give the challenge card to which meal they think is the best fit. Rounds can be repeated as long as the players continue to have fun!


Instruction Manual 415 kB
Cards Printout.pdf 29 MB

Install instructions

The instruction manual is not physically needed for play, so you won't need to print it if pdf format is preferable.

The cards must be printed and cut out. To do this, we recommend using two-sided printing since the cards are positioned in a way that the front and back of a card will be printed together.